Elsevier Finance Conference at FGV EBAPE, Rio, 16-18 November 2023

Keynote Speaker : Professor Murillo Campello
Professor Murillo Campello is Lewis H. Durland Professor of Management and professor of finance at the Johnson Graduate School of Management. An internationally recognized scholar of financial economics, Campello's papers have dealt with such issues as the impact of market imperfections on companies, the limits of the firm, product markets, corporate capital structure, monetary policy transmission, financial crises, and econometrics. His work has been cited by prominent policy authorities, such as the Federal Reserve chairman, mentioned in Congressional hearings, described in the "Economic Report of the President," and used to advise the U.S. Supreme Court. His recent work on the financial crisis has been widely featured in the financial press (Financial Times, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal), books, and academic outlets.
Campello has published extensively in leading finance journals and has served as an associate editor at the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, the Journal of Corporate Finance, and the International Review of Finance. He is currently the co-managing editor of the Journal of Financial Intermediation. He received the biennial "Rising Star" award in 2010 and has been named "Distinguished Referee" by the Review of Financial Studies twice for his referee work on behalf of the journal. His papers were nominated twice for the distinguished Brattle Prize of the Journal of Finance, and he received the Goldman Sachs Best Paper award by the Review of Finance.
Professor Campello is a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. He earned his PhD in finance from the University of Illinois in 2000, an MS in business administration from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in 1995, and a BS in economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 1991.

Keynote Speaker : Professor Brian M. Lucey
Professor Lucey is Chair of International Finance and Commodities at the Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin. He has published extensively in leading finance journals and has served as an associate editor at the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Multinational Financial Management, the Financial Review and the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. He has served as Editor-in-Chief of Finance Research Letters, the Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Finance and Research in International Business and Finance. He is at present Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Review of Economics and Finance and Editor-in-Chief of the International Review of Financial Analysis.
Professor Lucey is a Advisor to the President of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, a Distinguished Research Professor at Abu Dhabi University and a External Professor at Jiangxi University of Economics and Finance. He holds a BA in Economics from Trinity College Dublin, a MA in European Trade and Politics from University College Dublin and a PhD in Finance from Stirling University.

Elsevier Finance Conference at FGV EBAPE, Rio, 16-18 November 2023
Elsevier in conjunction with the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (FGV EBAPE) invite you to the first Elsevier Finance Conference.
Local partners also include ANPAD (Brazilian Association of MSc and PhD Programs), the Brazilian Accounting Association, UERJ - Rio de Janeiro State University and IBEFA (International Banking, Finance and Economics Association).
This IN PERSON conference will be held at the FGV EBAPE Campus, in beautiful Rio de Janeiro, 16-18 November 2023.
We welcome all papers and workshops in the broad fields of finance.
Submission details
Papers and extended abstracts, as well as proposals for workshops and panel discussions, should be submitted by 31 August 2023. A submission portal is here. Decisions will be provided by end September.
About the Conference
Paper types and development opportunities
We have a number of paper presentation types available.
- Main papers are typical academic oral presentations, of approx. 30min duration, with an assigned respondent.
- Poster papers are papers presented on a single display c. 90x120cm, which contain all the main information around a topic. These will be displayed in the coffee/registration area, with authors attending at designated times, and are designed for early stage work.
- Paper Development Workshop (PDW) papers are somewhat more advanced than the typical poster but still require guidance and refining. They will be presented in small groups, c. 5-6 per 3h session, with a journal author or senior AE providing immediate feedback, as well as group commentary. Note that not all papers selecting this option will be selected for the PDW - this will be done by the indicated journal editor - but those not selected will be offered poster presentation opportunities.
- Development opportunities will include
- a set of "mentoring opportunities" with one on one meetings with senior scholars.
- A workshop of Editors and Elsevier representatives on "How to write great papers and get published" .
- We will also host a Pitching Research event, more details here, where participants pitch research directly to editors.
- For more seasoned papers we will also host a "Shark Tank" event, details here.
Conference Logistics
- Conference sessions will take place at EBAPE.
- The conference will be in person only.
- Sessions typically last for 90m, and contain one workshop/roundtable or three papers with discussants. PDW workshops last for 180m.
- Authors of accepted papers will be required to also act as discussants.
- We do not issue visa letters or letters of support.
- There are no conference fees but delegates are responsible for their own travel and hotel arrangements.
Indicative Schedule.
Thu 16 November - Conference registration, keynote speaker, sessions.
Fri 17 November - Conference registration, sessions, networking informal dinner.
Sat 18 November - Conference registration, sessions.
Supporting Journals and Special Issues - for more information click here
A number of Elsevier journals will provide publication opportunities. Some have thematic special issues, others are more open for any paper presented at the conference.
- Emerging Markets Review
- Finance Research Letters
- Global Finance Journal
- International Review of Economics & Finance
- International Review of Financial Analysis
- Journal of Banking and Finance
- Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Finance
- Journal of Climate Finance
- Journal of Commodity Markets
- Journal of Corporate Finance
- Journal of Economics and Business
- Journal of Financial Economics
- Journal of Financial Intermediation
- Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
- Journal of Multinational Financial Management
- Latin American Journal of Central Banking
- North American Journal of Economics and Finance
- Pacific-Basin Finance Journal
- Research in International Business and Finance
Papers for these special issues must be presented at the conference. Which journal or journals the author is aiming for, if any, will be requested at submission. It is NOT mandatory to select a SI to attend or present. Please refer to the journal websites for details on submissions. Note that submissions are NOT open yet.
Conference Organizers: Lianne van der Zant (Elsevier; l.zant@elsevier.com), Samuel A. Vigne (LUISS; svigne@luiss.it), Lars Norden (FGV EBAPE; lars.norden@fgv.br), Ricardo Lopes Cardoso (FGV EBAPE; ricardo.cardoso@fgv.br)