Further details on the special events

Supporting journals and special issues

Financial Innovation

SI details to be announced later

International Review of Economics and Finance

SI details to be announced later

International Review of Financial Analysis

SI details to be announced later

Finance Research Letters

SI details to be announced later

Financial Review

The Conference Organising Committee will choose selected papers from those presented at the conference to be considered for publication at The Financial Review (FR). Within two months of the conference date, these papers will go through a blind review process. This is a “no-fault” submission option, which means that if the FR decides to review the paper and rejects it, the author(s) can submit the paper to the FR through the normal submission process. Papers submitted must not be under review at any other journals.

Submissions will go through the normal FR submission process (with a 1-time fee of $175). Authorsshould also mention in their cover letter that they are submitting their paper from this conference (so that it counts as “no fault” submission).  

Doctoral Skills Afternoon

On the Sunday afternoon preceeding the conference proper there will be a doctoral skills training session. This will NOT be technical finance skills, more "life as a researcher" skills. 

The Associate Dean - Reviewer 2 of Academic Management

Creating and Sustaining a Research Agenda

Encounters with DEI - The Good, the Bad and the rest

Street Side - Developing transferable skills for Industry