Università degli Studi di Napoli 'Parthenope' June 12-14 2022
1st Conference on INternational Finance; Sustainable and Climate Finance and Growth
Future Finance and Economics Association and Università degli Studi di Napoli 'Parthenope'
Conference on International Finance; Sustainable and Climate Finance and Growth
FFEA and University of Naples 'Parthenope' invite you to submit papers for the first CINSC. This conference channels the intellectual and social spirit of the Infiniti Conference 2003-19, with a new focus on the intersections of climate finance, green finance, international financial markets and integration, and finance for sustainable growth.
We welcome all papers and workshops in the broad fields of International, Climate and Green finance, welcoming in particular their interactions with each other and how they can aid the sustainable growth of economies, corporations and organizations. Papers that examine these issues on their own are welcomed, but papers which examine the overlaps, interstices, conflicts and concordances are highly welcome! For more information see here
Papers and extended abstracts, as well as proposals for workshops and panel discussions, should be submitted by 13 FEB 2022 (Extended DATE) . Submissions can be made here : https://conference-service.com/ffea-Napoli22/access.html
Decisions will be provided by Mid April.
About the Conference
Keynote Speaker : Professor Michael Goldstein, Babson College ;
Michael A. Goldstein, Ph.D. is a Professor of Finance at Babson College. He currently also holds a three-year appointment as a Visiting Professorship Fellow at the Climate Change Research Center at the University of New South Wales. He currently serves on the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)'s Economic Advisory Committee, and was Chair from 2011 to 2021. Dr. Goldstein previously served as a member of the Nasdaq Economic Advisory Board from 2003 to 2005, and served as Chair in 2005. Dr. Goldstein was chosen to be the Visiting Economist at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) for 1997-1998 and was the eighth academic to hold that post. His research covers market microstructure, corporate bonds, climate change, dividend payments around the world, privatization of formerly communist countries, and real estate, and has consults Fortune 100 companies and financial firms on financial strategy, international strategy, and complex litigation. He is currently the Editor of The Financial Review, and an Editor at Weather, Climate and Society, a journal of the American Meteorological Society.
Dr. Goldstein has received four U.S. National Science Foundation grants related to Arctic Economics. Some of his work can be seen at www.arcticecon.com. He has multiple publications on climate science in science journals.
PhD Symposium
PhD students will be eligible for a reduced registration fee. We will hold a PhD symposium and networking event where we will explore publication strategies, new developments in research and career development strategies. More details will be provided to registrants.
Decisions will be provided by Mid April.
Indicative Schedule
The conference will be an in person event.
Sunday June 12: 1400-1700 PhD Symposium
Sunday June 12 : 1730h PhD Networking Event
Monday June 13: 0830-1730 Conference, Keynote speaker, workshops
Monday June 13: 1900 Social Event
Tuesday June 14: 0830-1730 Conference, Meet the editors, workshops
Tuesday June 14: 1900 Gala Dinner, prize giving.
Supporting Journals
- Finance Research Letters
- Financial Review
- International Review of Financial Analysis
- International Review of Economics and Finance
- Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
- Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
- Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies
- Heliyon
- North American Journal of Economics and Finance
- Risk Management (Palgrave)
- Research in International Business and Finance
- Weather, Climate and Society
Selected papers will be invited to submit to these journals ( fees may be waived) by a committee consisting of Professor Brian Lucey (Chair), Professor Samuel Vigne, Professor Youwei Li, Professor Jonathan Batten, Professor Laura Ballester, Professor Arman Eshraghi, Professor Claudio Porzio, Professor Gabriele Sampagarno, Professor Vincenzo Verdoliva and Professor Maurice Peat.
Conference attendance fee is likely to be in the region of €400
info@ffea.eu (Brian Lucey/Samuel Vigne) ;
claudio.porzio@uniparthenope.it (Claudio Porzio, Parthenope);
gabriele.sampagnaro@uniparthenope.it (Gabriele Sampagarno, Parthenope);
vincenzo.verdoliva@uniparthenope.it (Vincenzo Verdoliva, Parthenope)